Childcare In Pt England Is Helping Children To Be More Patient At Home And At School

Young children are frequently impatient, which can be very frustrating for you as a parent. You will be relieved to know that it is not only your child that displays this characteristic - it is prevalent among preschoolers. 

Read on to learn more about why young children are so impatient and some ideas of how you and their childcare in Pt England can help them develop patience.

Why Are Young Children So Impatient?

As they develop and grow, children will acquire different skills and abilities. In the meantime, they live with limited power and control and have not yet mastered expression and proficiency. This commonly makes them frustrated and impatient with people and things around them.

If your child displays these characteristics, please don’t despair; it is a common trait during this developmental stage. However, there are some things your childcare in Pt England, and you can do to help them learn how to be more patient.

Activities That Your Childcare In Pt England Will Use To Demonstrate Patience

The best learning happens when children don’t even know they are learning. By engaging them in some of these activities, patience will be modelled, and soon they will learn to practice these new ideas in other areas, like at play at their childcare in Pt England and at home.

  • The silence game - everyone will sit quietly without speaking or any other stimulus for a specific time. Give the instruction beforehand that they need to be quiet so they can listen to all the different sounds around them. Let them take turns talking about what they heard during the silent period.

  • Activities that involve taking turns - for example, holding a toy. Let one child hold the toy, have the other one wait their turn, and then switch. The younger the children, the shorter the wait should be.

  • Give an alternative to interrupting someone speaking, like placing a hand on their shoulder to get their attention.

Activities You Can Try At Home And Out And About

  • Baking and cooking - there is a procedure to be followed, step by step, so you are demonstrating the need to complete one activity before moving on to the next. And they will be rewarded with a delicious outcome.

  • Grocery shopping - let them actively participate, but have them take turns with your or other siblings to retrieve an item from the shelf. Find a fun topic to talk about while waiting in the queue, demonstrating that waiting doesn’t have to be tedious or frustrating.

Contact Community KIDS today to enrol your child at the best childcare in Pt England. They will learn about the values we treasure, such as patience, as we help them to make connections and develop genuine relationships with their families and other children.


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