Whanau First
What is Whanau First?
At Community KIDS we believe that all children should have the best possible start to life. We seek to put each child and their whānau or family at the centre of everything we do.
Whānau First is about increasing participation for all families in every community that we serve. This means that we partner with families to ensure that their children are able to receive high quality, culturally responsive care and education during their pre-school years.
Whānau First means that we will work together with parents and caregivers to ensure that fees remain affordable for families.
Whānau First also allows us to provide free school transport for whānau who need it as well as nutritious healthy cooked meals for all tamariki at our schools.
Whānau First is about making positive connections between families and help that is available to them. We create a support network around each family aligned to our philosophy and values.
The key is to ensure that our team treats all children, their families and each other with care, respect and love. Caring is the culture that we practice and when our children know we care, they allow us to help them grow in Knowledge, Identity, Discovery and Success!

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