Programme Example
Each centre has slightly different opening and closing times. The daily programme is flexible and can change depending on the current focus and Whānau Groups.
Time | Activity |
7:00am | Centre opens. School run pick-up Children welcomed and invited to explore resources and settling-in activities |
9:00am | Karakia **WHĀRIKI TIME** - informing children of planned activities, children’s news, stories, music etc. |
10:00am | **K.I.D.S (Knowledge. Identity. Discovery. Success) Time** |
11:30am | Karakia Lunch for Nursery and Toddlers |
12:00pm | Rest time for Nursery children and children who require sleep. Non sleeping toddlers engage in a guided programme with quietr activities such as reading, puzzles etc. Pre-schoolers take part in **“Big KIDS Club”** transition to school programme |
2:00pm | **TUSITALA STORY TIME** Shared stories |
2:15pm | Afternoon kai for infants and toddlers.
Rolling Afternoon tea begins for Preschoolers. Children are encouraged to prepare for parents arrival, shoes on, belongings in bags etc |
3:00pm | Drop-off begins |
4:30pm | **DISCOVERY TIME **- Free play: a range of activities set up for continued interest and engagement by children. |
5:00pm | School run drop off |
6:00pm | Centre Closes |

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